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Nordic Ecigg – Shake N Vape – Amazing Summer


Nordic Ecigg – Shake N Vape – Amazing Summer 40-60 ml

Quintessence of summer fruit mix

Bottle: 60ml
Content: 40ml
PG/VG: 50/50

Instructions::Before you can enjoy your e-juice, you need to add TPD-approved nicotine threat and follow these steps:
1. Add 10-20 ml nicotine threat / booster / base fluid depending on the strength you want (10 ml for 3.6 mg nicotine or 20 ml for 6 mg)
2. Insert the tips and close the bottle with the extra lid, for the tip to be properly seated
3. Shake vial vigorously for at least 1 min. Ready to use!

Nicht vorrätig

Artikelnummer: 1092 Kategorie:


– Nicotine shot not included, purchased separately.
– Keep in dark and cool storage.
– Thin before use.
SKU: 0000001092

Zusätzliche Informationen

Gewicht 0,08 kg

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