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Med henvisning til bekendtgørelse om forbud mod reklame, synlig anbringelse og fremvisning m.v. af elektroniske cigaretter og genopfyldningsbeholdere med og uden nikotin § 3, stk. 1, skal jeg venligst anmode om at få fremvist det samlede produktsortiment.
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EURO0 — EURO1000
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Buy e-liquid with or without nicotine. You decide on the nicotine strength yourself as well as the flavor. Would you like to cut down on cigarettes and nicotine, you can gradually choose an e-liquid with still lower strength until you reach the desired nicotine level. For more information about the content of the e-liquids please see below. If you’re into vaping you can read the About Us page as well as get more information on e-cigarettes here.