VG/PG Bases
Fremvisning af sortiment:
Med henvisning til bekendtgørelse om forbud mod reklame, synlig anbringelse og fremvisning m.v. af elektroniske cigaretter og genopfyldningsbeholdere med og uden nikotin § 3, stk. 1, skal jeg venligst anmode om at få fremvist det samlede produktsortiment.
PG/VG Base kit. – 100...
VG50/PG50 Base Kit 250ml. –...
VG70/PG30 Base Kit 250ml. –...
Nicotine Base – PG30/VG70, 0mg/10...
Nicotine Base – PG30/VG70, 0mg...
Nicotine Base – PG50/VG50, 0mg...
Nicotine base – pg50/vg50, 0mg...
NEW DIY solution:
Due to EU legislation customers can continue to mix their own e-liquids WITH nicotine the following way.
You purchase 100 ml. pg/vg base with 0 mg nicotine, and at least 1 x 10 ml. pg/vg base with 18 mg. nicotine and the aromas/flavours you want to add.
For example if your desired result is a 10 ml with 6mg nicotine AND flavour the recipe is:
18 mg. Nicotine pg/vg base 3.3 ml 33.33 %
PG/VG base 0 mg. 5.6 ml 56.67 %
Aroma/Flavour (optional) 1 ml 10 %