E-Zigarette Starter-Kitt
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Here you will find many good deals on a new high quality e cig. The overview below is a really good place to start when you need to find an e cigarette starter kit. All our kits are listed below.
Which e cig startkit should I choose?
When selecting your e cigarette it’s important you know a little bit about mAh (milliamps) and wattage (Watt). mAh gives you information about how much power the battery can contain. The more mAh the longer the battery will hold power befor it must be recharged. Watt is the effect that the battery produces when the button is pressed. The more wattage the faster the power of the battery will be used. Having said that, there are many who would like lot’s of vapour, and the precondition for lot’s of vapour is that the battery can give a high wattage rate, so that the resistance (ohm) in your tank / clearomizer can be low.
So if you choose an e cigarette startkit with 650 mAh, then it will not produce lots of vapour because the battary doesn’t provide enough wattage for your ohm resistance in the clearomizer to become low enough. The ohm resistance will typically be 1,5 – 2,0 ohm.
If you select an electronic cigarette at 900 – 1000 mAh, you’ll get a little more vapour, but the battery will still not provide enough wattage for your ohm resistance to get below 1,0 ohm, which is the typical limit for talking about getting lot’s of vapour.
Do you decide for an electronic cigarette with more that 1000 mAh, the battery will typically provide enough wattage for you to be able to sub ohme. I.e. the coil in your clearomizer / tank is below 1,0 ohm. We can recommend such an e cig startkit if you think “a bigger solution” with a MOD and a seperate tank will be too big.
A MOD startkit consist of a MOD and a tank and is the appropriate solution for the one wanting lot’s of vapour. But be aware that you normally must buy 2 – 3 pcs MOD batteries and a dedicated charger for the batteries. Many MODs have the option to be charged via mini USB, but the recharging takes too long time and the batteries are not charged very well.
If your want more vapout without buying a new e cig startkit then you can use e liquid with a higher content of VG. The more VG the more vapour. The e liquid also becomes thicker, so it’s important that the e juice can flow easily into the clearomizer coil. Otherwise the coil will burn off. If you need advice concerning choosing your e juice then contact us.
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