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10ml Pink-Mule Chuff Town – R3fr3sh Kiwi


10ml Pink-Mule Chuff Town – R3fr3sh Kiwi

A delicious fresh, sour-sweet summer juice, with the emphasis on kiwi

ChuffTown CPH is a subterranean fire, from the Morten Pay man behind the cops’ “Born Nögen”. With a background in the world of chefs, we have succeeded in making some completely amazing and special aromas / essences that have been thoroughly tested & refined. There is no compromise. The essences are so special that they contain between 8-14 different flavors, which makes them so unique. Most love them, some hate them. If there is something different in your sub-ohm tank or drip, then Chuff Town is the obvious choice.

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Artikelnummer: 9003 Kategorie:


Packing Details:
1pc – 10ml -Pink-Mule Chuff Town – R3fr3sh Kiwi

Mix ratio to 80/20:
• 20% R3fr3sh Kiwi
• 80% VG

Can be steamed like Shake’n’Vape, but becomes more round and fruity at a week’s ripening
SKU: 0000009003

Zusätzliche Informationen

Gewicht 0,02 kg