SKU: 0000041706
Fremvisning af sortiment: Med henvisning til bekendtgørelse om forbud mod reklame, synlig anbringelse og fremvisning m.v. af elektroniske cigaretter og genopfyldningsbeholdere med og uden nikotin § 3, stk. 1, skal jeg venligst anmode om at få fremvist det samlede produktsortiment.
Slices of juicy cucumber infused with dripping sweet watermelon and sour fresh lime flavors will buzz your senses and water your mouth as you hit the vapor. Each draw will tease your taste buds in a mild and sweet way.
The Short fill kit contains:
– 1 x Tropic King – Cucumber Cooler 100 ml.
– 2 x VG70/PG30 10ml. bottle
The content of the 2 x 10ml. nicotine base is poured into the 120 ml. bottle. Shake well. And it’s ready to be vaped and enjoyed.
If you want the flavour to be a more pronounced you can let it steep for approx. 7 days before usage.
SKU: 0000041706
Variant | 0 mg., 3 mg. |