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SMOK TFV8-T8 Coil – 3 stk.



Original TFV8 V8-T8 Octuple coil with 0,15 ohm for the SMOK TFV8 Cloud Beast Tank.

This effective coil is the most vapor producing coils in the entire serie of SMOK TFV8 coils and has a recommended effect/watt of 50 – 260W (Optimal: 120 – 180W). The V8-T8 Octuple is not suited for temperature control.

N.B: Remember to “prime” the coil before placing it in the tank. Priming means to drip a few drops into the middle of the coil and also in the entry holes in the side of the coil.

75 vorrätig

Artikelnummer: 396 Kategorien: , , ,


Garantie:Bitte beachten Sie dass wir keine Garantie auf dem Clearomizer geben und dass die Lebenszeit voe die Verdampferkopf 1-2 Wochen ist.
SKU: 0000000396

Zusätzliche Informationen

Gewicht 0,07 kg