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SMOK TFV12 P Tank – 2 ml.


SMOK TFV12 P Tank – 2 ml.

The TFV12 P is a wonder for the vaper that seeks the ultimate flavor and vaping experience. In addition, a new and innovative “slide open” filling design that works great!

Artikelnummer: 653 Kategorien: , , ,


– Height: 63 mm
– Diameter: 25.5 mm
– Weight: 62
– Tank Capacity: 2ml
– Material: Stainless steel and pyrex glass
– Connection: 510, made of stainless steel
– Airflow: Stepless adjustable, bottom-mounted
– DripTip: Cobra WideBore 810 in Resin
– Filling: Top, “slide open” design
1. Press the lock button and push the top to the side.
2. Fill in the e-liquid
3. Push the top back into place until the lock “clicks”
SKU: 0000000653

Zusätzliche Informationen

Gewicht 0,12 kg

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