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Crafted Bull’s Eye Kit – Rhubarb Muffin 60 ml


Crafted Bull’s Eye Kit – Rhubarb Muffin 60 ml

Delicious warm and spongy rhubarb muffin with fresh sliced strawberries on the side and of course alot of irresistible creamy vanilla topping on top.

The Short fill kit contains:
– 1 x Crafted Bull’s Eye – Rhubarb Muffin 40 ml.
– 2 x VG70/PG30 10ml. bottles

Mixing guide:
The contents of the two 10 ml. is to be mixed into the 40 ml. bottle. Shake well. It’s recommeded to wait 30 to 60 min. before usage.

VG/PG: 70/30

Produced in Denmark

Artikelnummer: 46993 Kategorie:


SKU: 0000046993

Zusätzliche Informationen


0 mg., 3 mg., 6 mg.

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