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Capella Aroma – Sugar Cookie V2 13 ml.


Capella Aroma – Sugar Cookie V2 13 ml.

Are you starving? Does your body crave a sweet cookie? We can now deliver freshly baked cookies in the form of Capella’s tasty Sugar Cookie aroma, which both smells and tastes like a whole bakery.

Capella aroma is sold in original 13 ml. bottles, and is thus NOT rebottled.

The aroma must be mixed / diluted with PG / VG. Do not vape clean! Mixing ratio: 8-10%. The mixed liquid should mature in a dark and temperate environment for approx. 2 weeks for the most optimal taste experience. Do not place the liquid in the refrigerator when it matures as this will slow down the maturation.

Since no sweeteners are added to Capella flavors, it is entirely up to you to add sweetness to your mixed liquid. Note that several PG/VG nicotine bases already contain sweeteners.

Capella flavors are produced in the United States, and are said to be the best on the market. Capella flavors are naturally water soluble and without artificial additives.Propylene Glycol,

All Capella flavors are:
· Free of traces of nuts and grains.
· Free from artificial added sweeteners (Sugar, Aspartame, Saccharine, Sodium).
· Free of Potassium sorbate / sorbic acid
· Gluten free.
· Caffeine free.
· Aspartame free

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Artikelnummer: 13400 Kategorien: ,


SKU: 0000013400

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Gewicht 0,02 kg