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Cush Man eLiquid by Nasty Juice – 60 ml.


Cush Man eLiquid by Nasty Juice – 60 ml.

Cush Man e-liquid will hit you with a wave of tropical mango flavour from your first inhale, this is a very sweet fruit flavour, that has a slightly tart aftertaste. The added low mint adds a menthol twist to balance things out.

The Short fill kit contains:
– 1 x Cush Man Concentrate 50 ml.
– 1 x VG70/PG30 10ml. bottle

Mixing guide:
The contents of the 1 x 10 ml. is to be mixed into the 60 ml. bottle. Shake well. It’s recommeded to wait 30 to 60 min. before usage.

VG/PG: 70/30

Artikelnummer: 41756 Kategorie:


SKU: 0000041756

Zusätzliche Informationen


0 mg., 3 mg.

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